Easy or Amazing

Hard way vs Easy way

Doing things the easy way is so much more appealing than doing things the hard way. Who would willingly volunteer to do what’s difficult? It makes no sense… unless of course you evaluate the alternative.

Consider these examples:

Easy: crawl the rest of your life
Hard: falling on your bottom, your knees, and sometimes your face learning how to walk

Easy: skipping and/or disrupting class
Hard: learning something that may help you make more money later on, because you understand the basics

Easy: giving up when faced with a challenge
Hard: getting back up every single time life knocks you down until it finally surrenders and gives you what you want

Keep in mind that making something harder than it needs to be isn’t the best approach to achieving goals either. Difficult for difficult sake is just a waste of time.

Set a goal, make a plan, take action to accomplish your goal, adjust where needed, but never give up.

Achieving the amazing usually isn’t easy, but only you can decide whether it’s worth it.


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